
Weed Identification and Control

Weeds are one of the most common and frustrating lawn care problems. This website has tips and advice on preventing and controlling weeds as well as countless images to help identify the weeds causing you problems.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Fairy Rings in the Lawn

Fairy Rings which are caused by fungi start to show signs of activity during the end of spring or early summer. They are easily recognisable with distinct dark green rings and/or fruiting bodies including mushrooms, toadstools and puffballs. The rings can be full or part circle. Although there are thousands of types of fungi that cause these rings, there are in fact only 3 types of Fairy Ring, each having different characteristics. Fairy...

Soil Compaction in the Lawn

What is soil compaction Most lawns will have or will experience the affects of soil compaction during their lifetime. All soils require a certain percentage of air in order to support a healthy lawn. Soil compaction occurs when the majority of the air is squeezed out of the soil by excess traffic. The traffic can include garden machinery such as mowers, vehicles like cars or people using the lawn. The more traffic the lawn receives the greater...

Sulphate of Iron on Lawns

Sulphate of Iron is one of the most widely used products in the professional turf care industry. This is because it is very versatile, it had many uses and is also relatively cheap to purchase. This product is primarily used for controlling moss during the spring months, however it can also be used to help prevent certain lawn diseases and discourage earthworm activity, thus preventing worm casts. It is also a great product for giving...

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

How high should I mow my lawn

One of the most common mowing questions is 'how high should I cut my lawn'. In fact there is no one answer to this question as it can depend on may factors: Quality of the lawn - If you are maintaining a luxury lawn you will want to mow it shorter than someone who is maintaining a general purpose lawn. A luxury lawn would contain a high proportion of bents and fescues, these grasses are very fine, produce a tight sward and tolerate close mowing. It should also be noted if you are going to mow you lawn short, it will require a lot more maintainance...

Choosing the right mower for your lawn

As a lawn mower is the most widely used piece of equipment on the lawn it is very important that you choose the right type of mower to begin with. A good lawn mower that is correctly set up and maintained is essential to the health and appearance of the lawn. The problem is nowadays there are many types of lawn mower to choose from it can become a bit confusing for the gardener to tell which is best type for their lawn. Lawn mowers can be walk behind or ride on, cylinder or rotary and powered by petrol, diesel or electric. Types of lawn mower There...

Monday, 17 September 2012

Tips for overseeding a lawn

Over seeding new grass seed into an existing lawn is always going to prove very difficult task. This is because the new seedlings will have to compete with the established grasses and they will need all the help they can get to ensure they not only germinate, but establish successfully too. However there are a few factors to take into consideration, and these can ultimately determine how successful your overseeding regime will be. Soil Compaction - Any soil or rootzone that suffers from extreme compaction will have a detrimental effect on any...

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Anthracnose lawn disease

Anthracnose is caused by the fungus Colletotrichum graminicola. It can attack most species of grass on the lawn butannual meadow grass (Poa annua) is very susceptible (hence the previous name of this disease was 'Basal rot of Poa annua'). Antracnose is a stress disease attacking grasses that are under stress due to environmental factors. Identification of anthracnose Anthracnose usually appears on the lawn during the late summer and can...

Moles in the lawn

There are few lawn and turf problems that cause as much damage to the lawn, and frustration to the gardener as moles. These creatures can cause widespread damage to all types of lawn. Moles create runs (tunnels) in the soil beneath the surface of the lawn, as the runs are built the excess soil is pushed onto the surface of the lawn. These tunnels can often cover a large area and affect the whole lawn. Moles are carnivorous creatures, their diet...

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Worms and worm cast problems on lawns

Worms are in many cases the gardeners friend as they provide a valuable contribution to the health of the lawn. Worms keep the soil aerated and breakdown the organic matter helping control the thatch layer. In fact a large population of worms points to a healthy soil. However, despite these benefits worms are often seen as a problem on lawns and other areas of turf as they produce casts. This is especially true if the root zone or soil has a high...

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Take-all Patch Disease

Fortunately for gardeners Take all patch is not a very common lawn disease, as it can bequite devastating. The disease is very common on new sand based golf green constructions, where the root zone is still relatively sterile and has not had time to build up a population of micro organisms. The disease is usually most active between June and December and primarily attacks bent grass. Until recently there have been no effective chemical...

Red Thread Lawn Disease

Unlike many other lawn and turf diseases red hhread (Laetisaria fuciformis) is not limited to closely mown luxury lawns. It can infect all types of lawns and turf. However in almost all cases it is not as serious as some other lawn diseases and the turf will regain health with good management practices. Although it can be a problematic at various times of the year, it is predominantly seen during the summer and autumn months. Although...

Monday, 18 June 2012

Fusarium patch disease

Fusarium patch disease is the most common and one of the most damaging lawn and turf diseases. It predominantly occurs in the autumn and winter months between October & March, however it can strike at any time of the year especially if the conditions are favourable for fusarium. The disease is less of a problem on general purpose lawns, fusarium patch disease attacks closely mown luxury lawns that contains a high percentage of annual...

Lawn Disease

A lawn disease or turf disease is often defined as anything that has a negative effect on the grass plant. Lawn Disease, the majority of which are caused by fungi can attack all types of lawns and turf areas. Different diseases attack luxury lawns and other will attack utility lawns depending on the environmental factors and types of grass in the lawn. For a lawn disease to become active 3 factors must be present. Environmental factors...

Chafer Grubs in the lawn

Chafer Grubs are the larvae of the Chafer Beetle, which is also known as the May bug. It can often be seen during warm evenings in the early summer. Chafer grubs have many similarities to Leatherjackets, they feed on the grass roots, the damage caused it similar and they attract the same predators. Although not as common Leatherjackets, Chafer grubs can live in the soil for up to 3 years before they emerge on the surface as beetles. Chafer...

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Leatherjackets in the lawn

Leatherjackets are the larvae of the European Crane Fly (Daddy Long Legs) and can cause major damage on the lawn if they are not effectively controlled. These small legless grubs which have no noticeable head, measure approximately 25mm long, are grey to brown in colour (see image to the right), and as their name suggests they have a leathery skin. Leatherjackets cause damage to the lawn by feeding on the roots of the grass. Further damage which...

Thatch in the lawn

What is lawn thatch Lawn thatch is a layer of organic matter that accumulates between the grass sward and the soil (see photo to the right). Thatch or organic matter is generally decaying plant stems, roots and runners. A small amount of lawn thatch (about 12mm) is beneficial to the lawn as it creates resilience and improves wear tolerance. However when the accumulation of thatch becomes too excessive (over 25mm) it creates problems, ultimately...

Monday, 11 June 2012

Starweed - Buckshorn Plantain

Plantago coronopus General - Starweed also widely known as  Buckshorn Plantain  is an annual or perennial weed, it is very common on sandy free draining coastal sites. This weed grows as a flat rosette type plant that can tolerate close mowing. Leaves - The leaves are long and thin with prominent toothed edges. They are generally hairy but can be occasionally smooth. Flowers - The small cylindrical flowers...

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Ribwort Plantain

Plantago lanceolata General - Ribwort Plantain is a common perennial weed, it can be found in all types of turf and grassland. Like all Plantains they can adapt to tolerate close mowing. This weed is also known as Narrow Leaf Plantain. Leaves - The leaves are long and narrow with prominent ribs or veins. The leaves grow from a single point and form a flat rosette. Flowers - The short flowers are bourn on a long stalk, flowering between April...

Greater Plantain

Plantago major General - Greater Plantain is a perennial weed, it is a rosette type weed very common on compacted soils and is often a good indication of lawns suffering from compaction. This low growing weed can tolerate close mowing and reproduces by seed. Leaves - The large broad oval leaves have prominent parallel ribs, the leaves all grow from a single point and form a flat rosette. Flowers - Bourn on a single stem...

Scarlet Pimpernel

General Information: Scarlet Pimpernel also known as 'Poor Man's Weatherglass' is an annual weed. The leaves are very similar to those of Common Chickweed. However this weed can be identified by its square stems and red flowers (Common chickweed stems are round and the flower is white). Scarlet Pimpernel is not a weed found in fine turf, is confined to neglected lawns, bare areas and waste ground. Leaf: As previously...

Black Medic

Medicago lupulina General Information: Black Medic can be both an annual and perennial weed. It is very similar in appearance to Lesser Trefoil (Yellow Suckling Clover), however Black Medic is less common than Lesser Trefoil, especially on fine turf as it is usually confined to neglected lawns. The main difference and the best way to distinguish between the two weeds, is that the seed pods turn ...

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Smooth Hawksbeard

Crepis capillaris General - Smooth Hawksbeard can be an annual or biennial. It is not normally a problem on mown lawns and turf but can occasionally be a problem during dry periods. The weed forms as a rosette type weed with a deep taproot. Leaves - The leaves are similar to those of dandelion but are smaller in size. The leaf is narrow with deeply toothed lobes. Flower - Smooth Hawksbeard flowers are very...