
Weed Identification and Control

Weeds are one of the most common and frustrating lawn care problems. This website has tips and advice on preventing and controlling weeds as well as countless images to help identify the weeds causing you problems.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Anthracnose lawn disease

Anthracnose is caused by the fungus Colletotrichum graminicola. It can attack most species of grass on the lawn butannual meadow grass (Poa annua) is very susceptible (hence the previous name of this disease was 'Basal rot of Poa annua'). Antracnose is a stress disease attacking grasses that are under stress due to environmental factors. Identification of anthracnose Anthracnose usually appears on the lawn during the late summer and can...

Moles in the lawn

There are few lawn and turf problems that cause as much damage to the lawn, and frustration to the gardener as moles. These creatures can cause widespread damage to all types of lawn. Moles create runs (tunnels) in the soil beneath the surface of the lawn, as the runs are built the excess soil is pushed onto the surface of the lawn. These tunnels can often cover a large area and affect the whole lawn. Moles are carnivorous creatures, their diet...

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Worms and worm cast problems on lawns

Worms are in many cases the gardeners friend as they provide a valuable contribution to the health of the lawn. Worms keep the soil aerated and breakdown the organic matter helping control the thatch layer. In fact a large population of worms points to a healthy soil. However, despite these benefits worms are often seen as a problem on lawns and other areas of turf as they produce casts. This is especially true if the root zone or soil has a high...