
Sunday, 3 June 2012

Lawn weed identification

selfheal It is important too that the weeds in your lawn have been identified correctly when taking action against them.

This is especially true prior to weed control using chemicals in the form of selective weed killers.

Although modern weed killers or herbicides are formulated to control a wide spectrum of weeds, there may be certain weeds that are resistant to various products.

If the wrong product is applied, it will prove ineffective against the weeds in the lawn, and will be a waste of time and money.

Therefore is is always best to correctly identify turf weeds, so you can choose the product that will give the optimum results and remove those causing you problems.

Using the chart below you can click on the relevant picture, this will take you to another page with information and images of  your chosen weed.


white clover
lesser trefoil - yellow suckling clover
birds-foot trefoil
slender speedwell

germander speedwell
lesser celandine
creeping buttercup
creeping cinquefoil
procumbent pearlwort
parsley piert

common chickweed
cats ear

bristly-ox tongue
autumn hawkbit
smooth hawksbeard
black medic
scarlet pimpernal

greater plantain
ribwort plantain

starweed - buckshorn plantain

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