
Tuesday 5 June 2012

Birds-foot Trefoil

Lotus corniculatus

birds-foot trefoil
General - Birds-foot Trefoil is a long lived hardy perennial weed.

It gets its name from the seed pods produced after flowing, these seed pods resemble a birds foot.

It can often be found on river banks and ditches where it is free draining.

It is a leafy legume plant that can either grow prostate or erect and can reach a height of 40cm.

Leaves - Birds-foot Trefoil leaves are a blue - green colour. They consist of 5 leaflets, with the central 3 on a short stalk and the remaining 2 on the base of the stalk.

Flowers - The bright yellow flowers sometimes seen with orange or red streaks, flower between May and September.

Roots - Birds-foot Trefoil is a deep rooting weed with a branched root system which spread via stolons and rhizomes.

Habitat - It can adapt to most conditions but is particularly at home on dry, free draining soils. This weed can be an indicator of low fertility on lawns.

Cultural Control - Hand weeding may prove difficult for all but a few plants again it is important to completely remove the roots. Regular slashing or raking can help weaken and discourage Birds-foot Trefoil.

During the summer months maintain turf health with adequate nutrition and don't allow the soil to become too dry during periods of drought.


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