
Saturday 9 June 2012

Procumbent Pearlwort

Sagina procumbens

procumbent pearlwort
General - Procumbent Pearlwort is a perennial weed which forms as a low growing mat. It can be quite troublesome in closely mown turf as it tolerates closely mown lawns.

It can be a difficult weed to identify as it is sometimes confused with moss. Leaves - The leaves of Procumbent Pearlwort are small and narrow.

Flowers - The small flowers have either white or green petals and are bourn on a thin stalk. Pearlwort flowers between May and September.

Roots - Procumbent Pearlwort has a fibrous root system.

Habitat - Procumbent Pearlwort can thrive in all soil types, especially moist conditions where the grass is mown very short.

Cultural Control - Hand weeding may be effective for a few plants. Keeping the grass in a healthy condition via feeding, aeration and regular mowing at a sensible height will help prevent any thin or bare areas in the lawn.
Chemical Control - Ideally stay on top of this weed with the cultural methods as it is a difficult weed to control with chemicals.

However if it has become widespread choose a selective weed killer containing mixtures of 2,4-D and mecoprop-p or 2,4-D and dicamba or clopyralid and fluroxypyr.

A further application will be needed to control this weed. For the best results selective weed killers should be applied during periods of active growth usually between April and September.


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