
Saturday 9 June 2012

Common Chickweed

Stellaria media

common chickweed
General - Common Chickweed is an annual weed and is not usually a problem on closely mown luxury lawns.

It is mainly confined to neglected utility lawns, grassy areas and areas of bare soil that has been disturbed.

However it can be a nuisance on newly seeded lawns before the grass has had sufficient time to establish.

Leaves - Common Chickweed has pairs of heart shaped leaves bourn on short stalks.

Flowers - Similar to those of Mouse-ear Chickweed, the small flowers have 5 white petals which are deeply lobed, giving the appearance of 10 petals. common Chickweed flowers between February and November.

Roots - Common Chickweed has a slender tap root.

Habitat - Common Chickweed is usually confined to areas of neglected turf or newly sown lawns.

Cultural Control - Common Chickweed will only cause problems on new lawns that have not had sufficient time to establish, once regular mowing commences it should eventually disappear.


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